Sermons should have real teaching in them. They should be full of sound doctrine and substantial truths for God’s people. As Charles Spurgeon once said, “We do not enter the pulpit to talk for talk’s sake; we have instructions to convey important to the last degree, and we cannot afford to utter pretty nothings.” There is no sermon until the Scriptures are opened up and God’s Word is brought forth. In other words, true preaching is by definition expository.
This is the message that was proclaimed from the rooftops (so to speak) at Grace Community Church to over 1000 Spanish-speakers on August 26–27. More than 200 attendees came from outside of the US, some from as far as Europe and Asia-Pacific. And people from more than 40 countries watched the conference online. Renowned expository preachers such as John MacArthur and Steve Lawson came out for the event, and offered exhortations with beautifully-streamed live translation. Among the Spanish-speaking keynote speakers was Sugel Michelén, a respected pastor in the Dominican Republic and author of De Parte de Dios y Delante de Dios, a guide to expository preaching written in Spanish.
The Spanish Expositors Institute (IDEX), a TMAI member school located in California, hosted this historic two-day conference as a part of their ministry to equip faithful church leaders from Spanish communities worldwide. Prior to the conference, the largest number of applicants ever to express interest in classes at IDEX was around 250. Now, partly on the heels of the conference, more than twice the normal amount of students has expressed interest in our introductory courses in Bible interpretation, from literally every country in Latin America. It is impossible to anticipate the impact that these students could have in their congregations around the globe, but the prospect should thrill every believer’s heart.
At the same time, we recognize the serious challenge to provide every student with faithful teaching and adequate resources. The opportunities are almost overwhelming, and the need for prayer and financial partners is exceedingly great. We believe, however, that equipping Spanish-speaking church leaders in biblical interpretation, sound theology, church history, biblical exegesis, and expository preaching will enable them to stem the tide of the heretical ideas, prosperity teachings, and Roman Catholic syncretistic traditions that plague Latin America. We also trust that equipping church leaders to preach God’s Word will do much to unleash in their communities the pure gospel of Jesus Christ, which alone is the power of God unto salvation. There is far too much at stake to sit by idly and hope that things change of their own accord. It is time for action. The full counsel of God’s Word much be studied, obeyed, and proclaimed in every place and in every language. If you or your church would like to join us in this endeavor, please contact us today at [email protected].