Out in the darkest corners of our world, faithful men are bringing hope and light.
Step by step, the word of God works in the hearts and minds of His people, transforming individuals, their marriages, families, church bodies, and even their home culture and nation. From the micro to the macro, God’s word revives and renews. Revival begins with individual Christians, faithful to the word, striving for holiness, and obeying the command to make disciples (Matthew 28:19–20).
The ripple effect of one faithful Christian is beyond what human eyes can see. And in the darkest corners of the world, one candle can become a beacon.
The ripple effect of one faithful Christian is beyond what human eyes can see. And in the darkest corners of the world, one candle can become a beacon.
In the Middle East, a current student at TMAI shares his testimony. Chris* faces challenges each day to commit to his pastoral training. Though he encounters the very real risk of severe persecution, he persists, understanding the value of expository preaching.
He shares, “The program has made a big difference in my ministry, church, and life. It has been so useful to learn how to preach in an expositional way for the sake of building up my local church. To me, it was completely a new way to preach.”
As each pastor is trained and each local church built up in Christlikeness, entire communities, cultures, and nations may come to know and worship Christ. God often uses humble, faithful Christians to work out His will beyond what we can imagine.
This is the impact of a student receiving a scholarship.
Chris recognizes this, saying, “I am so thankful and grateful for TMAI, they are a blessing to [country name redacted] and the Middle East. I pray for everyone who works at [the TMAI training center] that God supports and strengthens them in every step in the coming years.”
Please consider partnering with us financially or in prayer for the sake of pastors like Chris being used by the Lord to advance the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
We pray you have a wonderful end to this Lord’s year!
*name changed for security purposes