A student at Italian Theological Academy (ITA) shares a testimonial of the impact that TMAI is having on the churches in his region. His testimonial is a timely reminder that believers all over the world yearn for expository preaching and the training it demands.
“My name is David, and I’m a student at ITA. I also administrate classes for ITA’s extension campus in northern Italy, which is hosted by my church. Our partnership began in 2014 with classes offered in biblical interpretation and expository preaching. The churches that sent their pastors to our classes already testify to the demonstrable fruit they see in their pastors’ preaching and teaching ministries. Moreover, the demand for pastoral training has doubled in the past two years alone!
“But the main reason I want to share this brief testimonial is to explain the benefit that we’ve seen in our own church by hosting ITA’s extension campus. Our reputation and profile among churches and believers in the region has grown as a result of hosting ITA’s training ministry at our church. The faithful saints here recognize that ITA stands for something that they cherish, namely, the faithful preaching of the Word and the effective delivery of God’s truth to God’s people. They bring credibility and we are grateful for the partnership. May we continue to be used as a sound point of reference for the truth and for the training of church leaders in Italy!”
The faithful saints here recognize that ITA stands for something that they cherish, namely, the faithful preaching of the Word and the effective delivery of God’s truth to God’s people.
It should not surprise us that believers want expository preaching. And it should not surprise us that when our Lord Jesus Christ’s beloved sheep hear the faithful preaching of God’s Word, they not only hear the words of the preacher but also the voice of their Shepherd. David’s testimonial is but one example of what we’re seeing around the world. Precious saints across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas are asking for training. Churches want their men trained in exegesis, hermeneutics, church history, systematic theology, and exposition. They want preachers and teachers who are gifted by God to develop these gifts to the highest degree so that Christ might be proclaimed with the greatest precision and care. And we want to do whatever we can to steward the resources God has given to us toward this noble end. We echo David’s sentiment. May we all together continue to be used by God for the truth and for the training of church leaders in Italy and around the world!