Did you know that planned gifts offer you smart and creative ways to increase your impact—often while benefiting your family, too? By understanding the following options, you can multiply the end results of your generosity in ways that are simple, flexible, cost-effective, and extraordinarily powerful—so that your gospel impact may go further to all the nations.
If you have questions about these options, please contact us at [email protected], or 818.909.5570.
Give Stock/Real Estate
Most charitable gifts are given in the form of cash because this is so familiar. However, this is probably not the most cost-effective way for you to give to ministry. You can increase your potential impact – and experience significant tax savings – by giving non-cash assets to TMAI.
Examples of Non-Cash Assets:
- Stock or Marketable Securities
- Real Estate
- Business Interests
- Farm Commodities
- Life Insurance
Benefits of Giving Non-Cash Assets
- Tax-wise. Receive a fair market value deduction at the time of your gift and avoid tax liability on the sale of appreciated assets.
- Eliminate hassles. Give assets you no longer need or want to manage (such as rental properties of vacation homes) for the benefit of Kingdom causes.
For more information about donating stock to TMAI, Click Here.
Give from Your IRA
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can make a sizable gift to ministry from your individual retirement account (IRA) AND receive significant tax benefits in return. Give a tax-wise gift up to $100,000 per year in IRA assets directly to TMAI.
Benefits of Giving from Your IRA
- Convenient. An easy way to give to your favorite charity.
- Tax-wise. Distributions made directly to charity are not treated as taxable income. Advantageous even if you don’t itemize deductions on your tax returns!
- Promises kept. Gifts from your IRA can be used to fulfill any charitable giving pledges previously made.
- Impactful. Gifts are tax-free to the charity. The entirety of your gift will go toward ministry!
Requirements of a Qualified Charitable Distribution
- You can give from your IRA to ministry without any federal tax liability, as long as the gifts are qualified charitable distributions (QCDs). Distributions qualify for all or part of an IRA owner’s required minimum distribution (RMD).
- IRA holders must be age 70 ½ or older at the time of the gift.
- Give up to $100,000 per year as a single person or $200,000 per year as a married couple from separate accounts.
- Gifts must be outright gifts made directly to a charitable organization.
- Distributions to donor-advised funds, charitable trusts or for charitable gift annuities are not permissible.
- Distributions may only be made from traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs; other retirement accounts are not eligible.
Include TMAI in Your Will
When you give a gift to ministry in your will, you model to your loved ones a legacy of generosity. Your “ultimate gift” helps ensure your favorite ministries will continue to make a difference well beyond your lifetime.
Benefits of Gifts in a Will
- Legacy. Extend the impact of your generosity well beyond your lifetime.
- Simplicity. Easily add your favorite charities as beneficiaries in your will or trust.
- Availability. Retain access to your God-given resources for the remainder of your lifetime, or for as long as you need them.
- Flexibility. Change your mind at any time about how your charitable gifts are designated.
- Capacity. Potentially give the largest gift you’ll ever have the ability to give.
Give through a Donor Advised Fund
Donor Advised Funds (DAF) provide you a simple, flexible and tax-efficient opportunity to have tremendous Kingdom impact. Like a “charitable giving account,” you can give to a single fund and then request grants be made to one or multiple ministries that are close to your heart.
Benefits of Using DAFs
- Timing. Receive an immediate tax deduction at the time you make a gift into a DAF. Then, at a time that works best for you, advise the fund how you wish your gifts to be distributed.
- Simplicity. Simplify your giving and record-keeping by making all gifts of cash, stocks or appreciated assets into a single account.
- Privacy. You can choose to make any or all grants anonymously.
- Cost-effective. Many families choose to use DAFs as a cost-effective alternative to establishing a private foundation.
Donations that Pay You Income
A lifetime income gift – such as a charitable gift annuity or a charitable remainder trust – is a wonderful solution if you wish to give in a substantial way, but are concerned about having enough retirement income. You can give cash or other property, and receive steady income for the rest of your life (or a designated number of years). The remainder will benefit TMAI.
Benefits of Gifts That Pay You Income
- Win-win. Support your favorite charities while securing income payments for life or a designated number of years.
- Eliminate hassles. Give assets you no longer need or care to manage (such as rental property or vacation homes) to benefit God’s Kingdom.
- Tax-wise. Receive an immediate income tax deduction at the time of your gift and reduce capital gains tax when funding your gift with appreciated assets.
TMAI will Help You:
- Determine the assets that are most cost-effective for you to give.
- Understand the giving options available to you, in a way that is clear and easy to understand.
- Ensure your plans reflect your family and charitable goals.