The Need for Indigenous Publishing
Unlike the United States, most countries around the world have an extreme lack of sound biblical resources in their native tongue. While resources that advance the prosperity gospel and charismatic theology are surprisingly common, believers are hard-pressed to find theological resources that help them rightly understand and interpret the word. Many of our member schools have launched their own indigenous publishing ministries to address these needs, but when they began to run into licensing, publishing, and printing hurdles that took valuable time away from training, TMAI’s home office looked for a way to get involved.
In 2020, we established the Global Publications Department (GPD) to relieve our schools of their burdens and still make sure they get great books. Led by Rick Kress, the GPD now streamlines the publication and distribution of indigenous biblical resources for all our schools around the world. Training men for ministry requires solid biblical resources, and the GPD aims to get more of them into the hands of Christians wherever they worship.
Our Mission
To help our schools and students publish the biblical resources needed to better serve their churches and communities.
Key Initiatives
Translating the Essential MacArthur Library—42 Volumes
This series includes resources that are specifically designed to help believers understand Scripture, the most important resource for any pastor or layperson. Our current goal is to translate into German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Croatian, Albanian, Chinese, Hebrew, Portuguese, French, Armenian, Malay, Farsi, and Burmese.
Achieving Widespread Print-on-Demand Capabilities
When our schools acquire print systems and establish a publishing presence, sound resources become far more accessible for pastors and congregations in their regions.
Harnessing Advanced Technology
We aim to implement advanced translation software, construct digital libraries, and utilize other technologies to streamline publishing efforts and make biblical resources more accessible to the global Church.
Streamlining Licensing Requests
It’s vital that we work directly with US publishers so that our TMAI partners on the field can focus on translating and training, rather than on managing logistics and contracts.
New and Notable Licenses:
- The MacArthur Study Bible — Indonesian
- Fundamentals of the Faith — Czech; Hindi; Odia; Tamil; Sesotho; Swahili; Zulu
- MNTC Revelation Vol. 1 & 2 — Chinese
- The MacArthur Bible Commentary — Croatian
- Essential Christian Doctrine — Hungarian
- Biblical Doctrine — Tajik
- The Peacemaker — Albanian
- Dispensational Hermeneutics — Vlach
Exploring Fundraising Opportunities
To help our teams most, we want to continue seeking opportunities for the body of Christ to fund future translation projects and cover costs for licensing, translating, publishing, printing, and distributing these resources.
Please consider joining us as we strive to publish God’s truth around the globe.
Financial gifts are a tangible way to participate in this exciting ministry. Will you consider making a gift to aid in these efforts?
Current Project Highlights
Book (Author) | Language |
Becoming a Titus 2 Women (Martha Peace) | Croatian |
Biblical Doctrine (John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue) | Albanian, Amharic, Croatian, Hebrew, Japanese, and Ukrainian |
Essential Christian Doctrines (John MacArthur) | Armenian, Italian |
Famine in the Land (Steven Lawson) | Japanese |
Fundamentals of Faith (John MacArthur) | Thai, Telugu |
Grasping God’s Word (J. Scott Duvall & J. Daniel Hayes) | Arabic |
Knowing God (J.I. Packer) | Vietnamese |
MacArthur Bible Commentary-OT (John MacArthur) | Polish |
MacArthur Study Bible (John MacArthur) | Arabic, Czech, English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, and Spanish |
Preaching the Psalms (Steve Lawson) | Armenian |
Romans Commentary (Thomas Schreiner) | Russian |
Our Sufficiency in Christ (John MacArthur) | Vietnamese, Tajik |
Pastoral Ministry (John MacArthur) | Italian |
Preaching with Passion (Alex Montoya) | Kazakh |
Slave (John MacArthur) | Japanese, German |
The Master’s Plan for the Church (John MacArthur) | Burmese |
Understanding End Times Prophecy (Paul Benware) | Croatian |
Vanishing Conscience (John MacArthur) | German |
Recently Completed Projects
Book (Author) | Language |
Basics of Biblical Greek Workbook (Robert Mounce) | Russian |
Bad Memories: Getting Past Your Past (Robert D. Jones) | Czech |
Biblical Doctrine (John MacArthur, Richard Mayhue) | French, Korean, Spanish, Romanian, Portuguese, Czech, German, Italian |
Counseling (John MacArthur, Wayne A. Mack) | Czech |
Epistles of John (Edmond Hiebert) | Arabic |
Getting the Message (Daniel Doriani) | Russian |
Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics (Daniel B. Wallace) | Russian |
Growing your Faith (Jerry Bridges) | Armenian |
God vs. Government (Nathan Busenitz, James Coates) | German |
Holman OT Commentary: Psalm 1-75 (Steven Lawson) | Russian |
Holman OT Commentary: Psalm 76-150 (Steven Lawson) | Russian |
MacArthur Bible Handbook (John MacArthur) | Burmese |
Portions of The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series (33 vols) | Multiple languages |
MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Galatians (John MacArthur) | Armenian |
MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Mark 1-8 (John MacArthur) | Russian |
MacArthur New Testament Commentary on Mark 9-16 (John MacArthur) | Russian |
MacArthur New Testament Commentary on 2 Peter & Jude (John MacArthur) | Russian |
Marriage, Whose Dream? (Paul David Tripp) | Czech |
Motives, Why Do I Do the Things I Do? (Edward T. Welch) | Czech |
Only Jesus (John MacArthur) | Armenian |
Pre-Engagement, 5 Questions to Ask Yourselves (David Powlison, John Yenchko) | Czech |
Redeeming Money (Paul David Tripp) | Albanian |
Stress: Peace Amid Pressure (David Powlison) | Czech |
Suffering, Eternity Makes a Difference (Paul David Tripp) | Czech |
Teens & Sex: How Should We Teach Them? (Paul David Tripp) | Czech |
The Keys to Spiritual Growth (John MacArthur) | Indonesian |
The MacArthur Study Bible (John MacArthur) | Russian |
The Power of Integrity (John MacArthur) | French |
Why Worry?: Getting to the Heart of Your Anxiety (Robert D. Jones) | Czech |
© 2022 The Master’s Academy International | www.tmai.org