In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
— Genesis 1:1 —
David Bester: Christ Seminary | South Africa
This is the first sentence of God’s revelation to you. It is His first creative act and the origin of all material existence. Sadly, many respond to this claim with skepticism, but the proper creaturely response is worship. God reveals that unless He acted first, nothing would exist. Time as we know it commenced with His creative act since it took place “in the beginning.” No building materials are mentioned in the verse because God created out of nothing. Though impossible for man, God’s supernatural power achieved it. In love, God sent His Son to die and rise again, securing redemption for His elect. “The heavens and the earth” include all spheres of existence, but also emphasize how central earth is as the setting for God’s redemptive history. In our local church plant, we open every Sunday service with a call to worship, because our hearts are prone to lethargy and amnesia. Here is your call to worship today. First, consider God’s power to achieve whatever He wills. Join in with the heavenly throne room, where the living creatures and elders worship God saying: “You created all things, and because of Your will they existed and were created” (Rev. 4:11). Next, consider God’s eternality, since He created “in the beginning.” Rightly the living creatures worship Him as the one “who was and who is and who is to come” (Rev. 4:8). Finally, consider God’s goodness in providing the setting for redemptive history. On the earth God created, man sinned. In love, God sent His Son to die and rise again, securing redemption for His elect. Glory to God! Worship Him in song, in prayer, in obedience, and in proclaiming Him to others. The Creator is worthy of praise!
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