But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.
— ACTS 20:24 —
Vitali Rozhko: Word of Grace Bible Institute | USA
Someone once noted that life is ministry and ministry is life. This description fits the apostle Paul, whose life and ministry has impacted generations of Christians. What was the driving force of his life? What motivated him? What gave him the strength to get up and move forward with such rigor, confidence, and passion in spite of many dangers and much persecution? Was it his strong will? Personal discipline? Positive attitude? High IQ? Christ, Himself was Paul’s greatest treasure, biggest passion, and the love of his heart and ministry. Superhuman abilities? According to this one statement from Paul’s pastoral speech to the Ephesian elders, it was one thing—the gospel of the grace of God. Yes, this one thing—the good news of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who humbled Himself in human flesh, who lived a perfect life and died a perfect death for His people, who rose from the dead and now reigns, who intercedes for His own before the Father and who will come again as the King of kings and Lord of lords to establish His eternal kingdom—this gospel was the motivation for Paul. Christ, Himself was Paul’s greatest treasure, biggest passion, and the love of his heart and ministry. From this verse, we see the gospel of grace was not just a lofty concept or idea. The gospel of grace and grace of the gospel was the very life of this man. What then is the love of our hearts? What is the root of our passion? What motivates us in ministry at home, at work, and at church? Are we motivated by the gospel like Paul? May nothing else but Christ and His gospel move our hearts and motivate our ministry.