For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, I say, whether things on earth or things in heaven.
— Colossians 1:19–20 —
Dexter Chua: The Expositor’s Academy | Philippines
A genetic footprint is a term used in obtaining a DNA profile to verify the identity of human remains. On the other hand, the term footprint can also refer to the impression that our character leaves behind in a particular place and time. It is what other people remember and treasure about us. Our world has come up with many ideas about the identity of Je- sus Christ. Jesus’ footprints—the biblical records given to us—reveal that He is more than a moral teacher, more than a miracle worker, more even than a champion of the downtrodden. He is God in flesh … Some say that Jesus was a moral teacher, a miracle worker, a revolutionary hero, or a savior who can bring us to heaven if our good works outweigh our sins. None of these identities, however, match the footprints that Jesus Christ has left. We see Jesus’ footprints in the Bible. This verse teaches that the fullness of deity dwells in Jesus. He is truly man and truly God. It also teaches that His life was offered as a complete and perfect payment to reconcile us to God, bringing back the former state of creation which was defaced by our sin. Jesus’ footprints—the biblical records given to us—reveal that He is more than a moral teacher, more than a miracle worker, more even than a champion of the downtrodden. He is God in flesh, and through Him, all things are reconciled to the Father. The real footprint of Christ reminds us that God is no longer angry with us who believe. We enjoy the favor of God because Christ has made peace through the blood of His cross. He is our Savior. He is our Prince of Peace. He is our God!
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