Latin America
Word of Grace Biblical Seminary | Mexico Evangelical Ministries of the Americas | Honduras While the majority of Latin America has historically been Catholic,…
The Master's Academy International
Training Church Leaders Worldwide
Word of Grace Biblical Seminary | Mexico Evangelical Ministries of the Americas | Honduras While the majority of Latin America has historically been Catholic,…
… that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; in order…
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. — ROMANS 6:23 — Tan…
Now I urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those who cause dissensions and hindrances contrary to the teaching which you learned, and turn away…
If Your law had not been my delight, then I would have perished in my affliction. — PSALM 119:92 — Davide Barbieri: Italian Theological Academy…
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. — ROMANS 5:8 — Erwin Quimboy: The Expositor’s…
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us…
All of us like sheep have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; but the Lord has caused the iniquity of…
Many will say to Me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and…
Since the Lord saved him, Santiago has had a passion to evangelize and teach others the word of God. He and his wife, Juliana, ministered to students in universities in Cali, Colombia. In 2015, he and his family came to Los Angeles to study at The Master’s Seminary. After receiving his Master of Divinity and Theology degrees, he and returned to Cali to plant a church in 2021. Since that time, Santiago has been working to develop a training ministry, and has helped host conferences, preaching workshops, and introductory classes on theology and hermeneutics. Juliana has also helped establish the women’s ministry at their church and is now investing in the wives of other church leaders as well. Please pray that Santiago and Juliana would remain faithful to Christ and His word to the end, and for the salvation of souls in Colombia.
Dr. John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church, as well as an author, conference speaker, chancellor emeritus of The Master’s University and Seminary, and featured teacher with the Grace to You media ministry.
Q&A Participant
Christian and his wife Sheryl moved back to Germany over twenty years ago and started the European Bible Training Center (EBTC) in Berlin to train up nationals for pastoral and missionary work and strengthen the local churches. As president of the ever-growing EBTC, Christian oversees the school in Berlin and its extensions in Germany, Switzerland and Austria as well as its publishing ministry. He also serves as one of the pastors at Eckstein Gemeinde Berlin, a four-year-old church plant at the heart of Berlin, and is eager to invest in church-planting ministries across Europe through his role as Regional Shepherd at Grace Ministries International. Christian and Sheryl have four wonderful grown-up children and several grandchildren.
Q&A Participant
Carlos Montoya is President of Ministerios Evangélicos de Las Americas (MEDA), a TMAI pastoral training center located in Siguatepeque, Honduras. MEDA’s main program is The Seminary for Expository Preaching (SEPE) where its motto is Training men to Preach Christ with Power, Passion and Precision. He also serves as a pastor at Iglesia Bautista Betania.
He has a bachelor’s degree from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. He then studied at Dallas Theological Seminary, receiving his MABS in 1989, and married his bride Lori the same year. After several years, Carlos felt the need to study the original languages, leading him to attend The Master’s Seminary, graduating in 1999. The Montoya family moved to Honduras in 2001. He and Lori have 7 children and 5 grandchildren.
Q&A Participant
David and his wife Carol were raised in Arizona, and after following David’s career in High Tech manufacturing, the Lord called David to ministry and he graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 2002. Just six weeks after graduating, David, Carol, and their four children were sent out by Grace Community Church as missionaries to South Africa, where David served as a lecturer at Christ Seminary in the city of Polokwane. During that time, David eventually was selected by the nationals to serve as the Academic Dean as well as an elder at Christ Baptist Church. He also earned his PhD at the University of Potchefstroom in 2014. His wife Carol also serves in Christ Baptist Church teaching various women’s Bible Studies and discipling women. The children were all raised in South Africa and are now living as adults in the USA. Currently, David is the Senior Pastor (teaching pastor) of Christ Baptist Church, the Academic Dean of Christ Seminary, teaches various courses in Christ Seminary, and he also serves as the TMAI African Regional Coordinator and the GMI Regional Missions Shepherd for Africa. He and his family have been serving in South Africa for over 18 years.
Q&A Participant
Greg White was sent out by Grace Community Church in 1992 to serve the Evangelical churches of Ukraine. Over the past 28 years he has had the privilege to be a part of 2 church plants and the start and development of 2 seminaries. Greg is pastor of Grace Bible Church, Chief Academic Officer of Grace Bible Seminary in Kyiv, Ukraine, Regional Pastor of Eurasia for Grace Ministries International and Liaison & Consultant, Eurasia for The Master’s Academy International. Beside his administrative responsibilities, Greg also is a professor in the area of New Testament at Grace Bible Seminary and the European Bible Center, Berlin, Germany. Greg is married to Hue Chon and has 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren who live in Southern California.
Q&A Participant
David and his wife Carol were raised in Arizona, and after following David’s career in High Tech manufacturing, the Lord called David to ministry and he graduated from The Master’s Seminary in 2002. Six weeks after graduating, David, Carol, and their four children were sent out by Grace Community Church as missionaries to South Africa. David was eventually selected by South Africans to serve as the Academic Dean of Christ Seminary, as well as an elder at Christ Baptist Church. He then earned his PhD at the University of Potchefstroom in 2014. His wife Carol also serves in Christ Baptist Church teaching various women’s Bible Studies and discipling women. He also serves as the TMAI African Regional Coordinator and the GMI Regional Missions Shepherd for Africa.
Seminar Title | The Gospel of the King: The Influence of the Doctrine of Christ’s Kingship on Various Aspects of Christian Life and Theology
Alexey Prokopenko has served as a professor at Samara Center for Biblical Training since 2007 and as pastor of Transfiguration Baptist Church in Samara, Russia, since 2012. He has earned degrees from Medical University of Samara (MD) and The Master’s Seminary (PhD). Alexey has authored several books in the Russian language, including commentaries on Genesis and Ruth, as well as annotated translations of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. He currently serves as pastor of a new church plant in his home city. Alexey and his wife Kate have two beautiful children.
Seminar Title | Thinking Biblically about Poverty and Spirituality
Faly Ravoahangy, a graduate of The Master’s Seminary currently enrolled in their Doctor of Ministry program, is the founder and Managing Director of Madagascar 3M, a ministry started in 2017, aiming to come alongside the existing structures and to be involved in identifying, training and equipping men to study, obey and teach God’s Word. Ultimately, Madagascar 3M desires to open a Bible-teaching seminary, focusing on expository preaching, so to develop a new generation of godly church leaders in francophone Africa.
Faly is also part of the eldership team and a teaching pastor at Ankadivato Biblical Baptist Church in Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar. He is married to Lily and they are blessed with 5 children.
Seminar Title | Growing God’s Way: Biblical Ministry Success
David Robles serves as the teaching pastor of Iglesia Evangelica de Leon and is the founding president of Berea Seminary, Spain. He has a wide teaching and preaching ministry throughout Spain, Europe, Latin America and the USA. David is a graduate of Multnomah Biblical Seminary and The Master´s Seminary. He and his wife, Loida, have three daughters.
Seminar Title | Intelligent Design: Why God Agrees with Paul (re: Female Pastors)
Ruben Videira graduated from The Master’s Seminary with his M.Div. in 2011 and Th.M. in 2014. The same year he moved to León, Spain, with his family, to serve at the Evangelical Church of Leon and the Berea Seminary. At the seminary he serves as the Academic Dean and professor of Hermeneutics, Bible Exposition and Theology, and at the church his ministry focuses on preaching and discipling. He has been married to Jenn since 2010, and the Lord has blessed them with Oliver (2013), Eden (2015), Caleb (2016), and Zoe (2018).
Seminar Title | Theological Corruption in the South Pacific: A Biblical Response
Premend Choy lives in Lautoka, Fiji. Born and raised a Hindu, but in his teenage years God worked to bring the life-changing effect of the glorious Gospel through the ministry of Lovu Bible Church. He currently serves as the teaching pastor of Lovu Bible Church and his desire is to see a conservative church planted in every town in Fiji.
Premend also serves as the new president of the College of Theology and Evangelism Fiji [CTEF], which he joined 27 years ago. The ministry is committed to developing godly leaders in Fiji and across Oceania. CTEF was founded by Narayan Nair in 1974. Premend is a graduate of CTEF and The Master´s Seminary. He is married to Ashwin and they are blessed with 2 daughters.
Seminar Title | A Case Study from South Africa: Towards a Certain Church
Joshua and his family recently moved back to the United States after serving for 14 years in South Africa, where they planted Living Hope Church, began the African Bible Training Center, and started the Muphamuzi Baby Home. He now serves as pastor at Cornerstone Bible Church in Fullerton, California, while continuing to mentor teachers at various African Bible Training Centers. He is particularly passionate about providing solid theological resources in under-resourced areas. He is the author of Compasssion: Seeing with Jesus Eyes and the co-author of several other books. He received his M.A. and M.Div from The Master’s University and Seminary, and D.Min from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Seminar Title | Biblical Counseling in Europe
Nick Kalena has been serving in Berlin, Germany, for six years. He moved with his wife, Jodi, and their six children from Mission Viejo, CA, in the summer of 2014 to work for the European Bible Training Center. Since then he has been serving in and is now the director of the EBTC’s Biblical Counseling Program. Alongside of EBTC ministry, he joined a church planting team in 2016 that started the Eckstein Gemeinde Berlin. One year later, Nick and the two church planters from the planting team were ordained as elders. Nick’s ministry focus at the EBTC and at the Eckstein Gemeinde is counseling and discipleship. He enjoys bringing people to God’s Word to help them grow in their knowledge of the Son of God.
Seminar Title | Reformation of the Heart
Over the last 30 years, Alexey Kolomiytsev has been involved in pastoral ministry in Russia and other Russian-speaking countries. He has also led Word of Grace Bible Institute for 22 years and has served as senior pastor at Word of Grace Bible Church or the last 18 years. Alexey’s focus in ministry is spreading the influence of expository preaching, as well as preparing preachers in the Russian-speaking world. His wife Tanya has been faithfully supporting him in ministry over the last 35 years.
Seminar Title | My Journey from the Crucifix to the Cross and The Ancient Paths
Lead Pastor of Soli Deo Gloria Christian Church
Davao City, Philippines
Jurem was raised a Catholic, but after high school he changed his beliefs to Hinduism. In 1981 God opened his eyes to realize his errors and his sinfulness, and to believe in Christ. After his conversion, he was again involved in falsehood with the prosperity gospel and the pragmatic philosophy of ministry. The teachings of John MacArthur were one of God’s instruments to correct his false views and to guide him into a more biblical ministry. He is currently the lead pastor of Soli Deo Gloria Church, the administrator of their school ministry, and a teacher of their radio ministry. He and his wife, Ging, have been married for almost 30 years, and they have three children. And last year, he became a happy “Lolo.”
Seminar Title | The Importance of an Historical/Grammatical Hermeneutic in Egypt
Cherif Arif was born and raised in Cairo, Egypt. He got an MBS from the National Theological College and Graduate School (NTCGS) in Cairo, Egypt; an MDiv. from Maranatha Baptist Seminary, Wisconsin; a ThM from TMS; and is now working on a PhD at TMS. He has served as a professor at NTCGS since 2011, both in Cairo and other locations: Jordan and Lebanon. He is now working on an exegetical/pastoral commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes in Arabic. He desires to continue serving by equipping pastors and leaders and writing exegetical/theological works in Arabic for the church in the Middle East. “My heart is that many in this area of the world come to the saving faith in our God and Lord Jesus Christ.”
Seminar Title | The Significance of Dispensationalism in Eastern Ministry
David Zadok was born in Israel but grew up in Iran. At the age of 16 he was sent to the USA, due to the Islamic revolution in 1979. In San Diego, California he completed his High School and graduated from San Diego State University with B.A. in computers and business administration. Later he completed his M.A. at Westminster Theological Seminary and Institute of Reformed Baptist Studies. David is also a retired Major; he served in the Israel Defence Forces.
David pastors over the Grace and Truth congregation in Israel, and has been serving in the same church for 31 years as an elder. He also directs the HaGefen Publishing and is currently working on completing his D.Min studies at The Masters’ Seminary.
David is married to Esther (Eti), and they have three children.