May his name endure forever; may his name increase as long as the sun shines; and let men bless themselves by him; let all nations call him blessed. Blessed be the Lord God, the God of Israel, who alone works wonders. And blessed be His glorious name forever; and may the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen, and Amen.
— PSALM 72:17-19 —
Patrick Galasso: Italian Theological Academy | Italy
Italy defines itself historically and culturally as Christian. God and Jesus Christ are held in consideration, but they remain suppressed by traditions, superstition, and by Mary, along with a considerable number of other saints, whom they call upon to intercede for them. As a result, the very heart of Christianity is lost, which is a true relationship with God and with Christ, marked by a deep hope in God and a desire to bless Him alone. This is exactly the point that the psalmist desired to emphasize with these words in Psalm 72:17–19. Is it your goal to lead people in your nation to bless God? The psalmist reflects on the coming King, the descendant of David, who would reign forever. The direct consequence of a government whose goal is the glory of God is that the people will experience joy and happiness as they enjoy His blessings and express their gratitude forever. This Psalm implies that all hope that man places outside of God is empty, since He alone can intervene in time, in history, in space, and in the destiny of men. Therefore, it is proper that every inhabitant of the earth bless God’s name, as the one who is above everyone and everything. In Italy, where the ultimate aim for many is not to glorify God, but rather to seek one’s earthly comfort, hoping to somehow make it through judgment, I, as a disciple of the King, have the responsibility to demonstrate to my fellow countrymen that true Christianity is based on a relationship marked by a loving desire to see Him blessed. Is it your goal to lead people in your nation to bless God?