For He himself is our peace, who made both groups into one and broke down the barrier of the dividing wall.
— Ephesians 2:14 —
Vitaliy Pelikhatyy: Word of Grace Bible Institute | USA
What is it that makes the church simultaneously one of the sweetest and most challenging places on earth? People. Every believer knows the beauty of fellowship among believers, and the pain of sin that ruins this experience. The “dividing wall,” which brings about hostility, is removed through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Human conflict was one of the first signs that sin had entered the world. In Genesis 3 we see how Adam and Eve go from Eden to shame and blame within a few verses after the Fall. Such has been the reality of human relationships since the Fall, the church not excluded. What is our hope out of this brokenness? In our text, Paul is describing how the vast differences between the Jews and Gentiles are brought to peace rather than hostility. The “dividing wall,” which brings about hostility, is removed through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. While the cross of Christ is rightly thought of as bringing peace between man and God, it also brings peace between people. In fact, it is the only hope to have unity and peace in our congregations. In our Slavic community, we see the power of this peace playing out beautifully. As tensions among the Russians and Ukrainians persist, the churches whose focus is on the cross of Jesus Christ are able to minister to those who are hurt, regardless of their nationality. And at the same time, the church can be an example to the world at war that our Savior has the power to break all barriers and bring true peace among the peoples. May we then demonstrate this peace as we enjoy sweet fellowship with believers in the church.
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