Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
— Hebrews 4:16 —
Aleksander G. | Russia
J. C. Ryle once pronounced these sobering words: “In the Christian life there is no more neglected duty than personal private prayer.” Neglect of prayer shows itself in its absence or irregularity, in feebleness or apathy, or in its empty or formal character. Although there may be many reasons why the wind of prayer has stilled, one of the most serious is a gaze turned away from the Savior that neglects His priestly ministry performed before the throne of God. The barrier to prayer is not to be found in God, but in the sin that besets us. Think about your prayer life. Have you noticed that your prayers have turned into formalities, becoming dry and lifeless? Have you observed that your prayers even weary you, because they sound like empty words which rise no further than the ceiling? Do you notice that your prayers have become a boring duty which no longer brings the joy of fellowship with God? If this picture depresses you, and you have stopped praying, perhaps you have given in to your feelings. You have moved your gaze from Christ to your circumstances, and your fellowship with God has grown cold. But despite your feelings, your heavenly Father is right where He has always been. The barrier to prayer is not to be found in God, but in the sin that besets us. Therefore, when we are not able or do not desire to pray, we need the truth of the Scriptures which restore the joy of our fellowship with God. The truth regarding our merciful High Priest, who continually petitions the Father on our behalf, motivates us to pray and to hurry into God’s presence to receive the blessings which we need: mercy, grace, and relief.
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