For I determined to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified.
David Robles: Berea Seminary | Spain
Everywhere around the world there is a great need for pastors who just preach Christ and Him crucified. These days, especially in the West, there are many ministers in churches who have become “experts” in family, administration, relationships, building programs, meetings, pursuing a reputation in the community, and so on. This is sad. Instead, the greatest need of the moment is to be determined, as Paul was, to know nothing, except Jesus Christ, and Him crucified. The church must return to the bold and simple preaching of Christ, and Him crucified. The minister of God needs to be a preacher of Christ and His word. Christ must be the center and supreme subject of his preaching and living. Many attract crowds by preaching man-pleasing sermons. The gospel of self-esteem and self-love is reigning in too many places. Eloquence and human wisdom are at the center of much proclamation around the globe. But none of these gospel counterfeits will either save anyone or edify God’s people. The church must return to the bold and simple preaching of Christ, and Him crucified. Each one of us needs to be involved in this commission. Churches and Christians need to be praying and supporting those who devote their lives to preaching Christ and training others to do likewise. Preachers must preach, not with persuasive words of wisdom, but in fear and weakness and the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit, so that people’s faith is not resting on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God (1 Cor. 2:3–5). We preach Christ, and Him crucified! Reader, do you have this same determination as Paul?