For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.
— ROMANS 3:23–24 —
Matthias Frohlich: European Bible Training Center | Germany
The term justification comes from the judicial system. It requires that there is a law by which the defendant is examined: either he meets the requirements of the law or he conflicts with the law. In our case, the law by which we are judged is the fulfillment of the glory of God. We are supposed to live according to the glory we were created for; in summary, loving the Lord with all our heart, soul, strength, mind, and loving our neighbor as ourselves (Luke 10:27). We can neither earn our salvation nor can we pay it off. Our obligation is no more than to confirm our salvation. Now every day we fail. We regularly fall short of this glory and we sin. This lack of righteousness cannot be filled up with good works; therefore, we deserve the lawful punishment and wrath of God. The liberating message of the gospel proclaims that the only way our sin can be forgiven and the required righteousness can be accomplished is through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. This will be granted to sinners not by merit but by the abundant grace of God: “justified as a gift by His grace.” Indeed, this is a slap in the face of human merit. Salvation by grace alone is the foundation our salvation rests on. We can neither earn our salvation nor can we pay it off. Our obligation is no more than to confirm our salvation (2 Pet. 1:10). We need to calibrate the compass of our mind every day with this truth because it exalts God and humbles the sinner. Our salvation manifests the immeasurable grace of God. Rejoice in this grace. Praise God, for He is worthy to receive glory, honor, and power.