
The Church Partnership Program

Partner with TMAI to maximize your missions impact

TMAI believes indigenous church leaders, given biblical training, can plant and strengthen local churches more effectively than foreign missionaries. Fluent in their language, deeply rooted in their culture, and known by their people, they are positioned to have the greatest possible impact in developing churches worldwide. Through TMAI’s Church Partnership Program, your church can help train these leaders by adopting a training center to come alongside them and provide essential prayer and financial support, maximizing your missions impact.

Reaver Bingham
Reaver Bingham
Pastor of Missions, Community of Faith Bible Church
South Gate, CA
“Community of Faith Bible Church is honored to partner with TMAI. We have been engaged with TMAI for a number of years and have found them to be laser focused on developing indigenous leaders who will be able to replicate themselves in their own context. Their strategic approach to fulfilling the great commission, especially through the Church Partnership Program, enables them to maximize the human and financial resources entrusted to them and their methodology results in lasting fruit. We look forward to our ongoing partnership with TMAI for the glory of God!”
Dave Cunningham
Dave Cunningham
Lead Pastor, GraceLife Church
Annville, PA
“We are excited to prayerfully and financially partner with TMAI through their Church Partnership Program. Our growing relationship with TMAI allows our local church to be a small but active part of what God is doing through the numerous training centers around the world. We are thankful for TMAI and their excellent work in teaching and training indigenous pastors and ministry workers worldwide.”

Common training center projects include:

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