A believer named Robert shared how he saw a post about the Bibles on Facebook weeks before they arrived, and specifically prayed that God might provide one for him. A week later, his pastor told him their church would receive some. With a MacArthur Study Bible now in his hands, God used your giving to answer prayer.
A Long and Winding Road: Welcome TMAI’s New School in Myanmar
Recognizing the present need, churches in Myanmar reached out to TMAI, inviting the head of the Pastoral Training Seminary (PTS) in India to train men in expository preaching. By the ministry and labor of PTS—along with likeminded ministries like Children’s Hunger Fund—many key faculty members in Myanmar were equipped, and a new training center for the nation was formed.
Confusion to Conviction: A Radical Journey to a New Identity
What are the means that God uses to transform someone who does not believe that they are a sinner? Who actively reads the Bible, but only for the sake of affirming a homosexual lifestyle? How actively is such an unruly adversary pursued by the local church?
Unshaken by Thunder: The Massive Ministry of a Small Ukrainian Church
The story he shares surrounds what God has done in the small church of his friend named Konstantin. Konstantin is a student of TMAI’s school in Ukraine who pastors a small church in the north of the country. His war-time ministry was first mentioned in TMAI’s August 2022 prayer email, and now his friend shares more of how God enabled Konstantin’s church to weather the war.
TMAI in the 10/40 Window
TMAI currently operates schools in various countries throughout the 10/40 Window, and the influence of these training centers extends well beyond their physical location. Not only can students from across the 10/40 Window join our programs, but, once trained, they can also go back out to spread the gospel among their native people and throughout neighboring countries, where Christ is rarely known.
A Lifeline for Croatia
Early this year, a ministry partner of TMAI in Croatia received an email that read like an SOS. Through his internet connection on his home island, 17-year-old Luka* reached out asking where he could attend a faithful church. And as Theological Biblical Academy (TBA) began to correspond with Luka, they discovered just how spiritually isolated he is.
From Ukraine: Why We Stayed in a War Zone
“One of the reasons we stayed in Ukraine after the invasion,” said a TMAI professor and missionary, “is because we hoped the Lord would save more people as a result of the war.”
God is Going to Use These Men
Men like Julio come to TMAI because they love God’s word, and when they return to their churches, they often see the Lord use His word in remarkable ways.
Godly Growth in the Canary Islands
Miguel has a heart to equip others with the word, there were several years in which he and his church were not doctrinally aligned. The church held certain practices that were not driven by the Bible, and it pained Miguel because the church was also struggling through a time of trial. “We desperately needed to implement changes,” he thought.
A New Frontier in the Middle East
Believers who live under constant threat and discrimination face intense temptations to grow weak and discouraged. What they need more than anything is the strength that comes from an ever-deepening faith in the gospel (Eph 3:14–19), and that’s why Christ equips His Church with local pastors who can help His body grow (Eph 4:11–16).
New Places, Same Principles
It’s easy to feel the world around us is growing more and more complex.
With so many issues and challenges demanding our attention, it can be hard to focus on the right things. In all the chaos, clarity and purpose can be tough to find. And yet, Paul reminds us that we must not be led away from “the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ” (2 Cor 11:3). When we keep the glory of Christ our primary goal, we will find the focus that we need to lead us forward.
It’s clear that God has led TMAI into a time of increased international opportunities.
Last year, we tallied approximately 55 doors that the Lord opened for future ministry. Though exciting, the complexity of it all is sinking in. As our schools continue to expand and indigenize across cultures, we are seeing an increasing need to resource more languages. And yet, the opportunities keep coming, and when we stop to consider what’s before us, it’s not hard to feel the weight of it all.
Why We Publish: Part Three
It’s impossible to state how crucial a tool this is—to have a complete systematic theology…It’s the best gift you can give church leadership.
Why We Publish: Part Two
“…in order to make a real movement take place I think there has to be more than preaching. I think there has to be writing. And I think people have got to have—in front of them—words that aren’t flying by…words that are frozen on a page. And that lends itself to their thoughtful consideration of those words.”
Year-End Goal: Indigenous Publishing
Alongside preaching, the ability to publish the truth in the common tongue proved to be a major powerhouse behind Luther’s work in the Reformation, and over the past 30 years, we’ve seen this precedent ring true in the work of our Training Centers around the world. Even more than conferences and radio broadcasting, the publication and distribution of good books has brought some of the most enduring fruit to the field that I’ve ever seen. This is why nearly every one of our 18 schools (with over 2,200 students) is engaged in the work of indigenous publishing. They know what happens when people have God’s word explained to them in their own language.
Why We Publish: Part 1
“We must look for every legitimate opportunity to maximize our own in-country network and get the best theological tools into the hands of local church leaders. We obviously don’t want to mimic these false teaching ministries, but we must continue to cultivate a proactive posture toward resourcing the global church.”
Meet Pastor Jessie
In many countries around the world, gifted pastors haven’t been shown how to preach. Although they are called by God and commanded to train others (2 Tim 2:2), few of them have been trained themselves in how to explain the word from their pulpits. And unless something is done for them, the churches of tomorrow could wind up spiritually starved.
Reaching the Global Church through Local Publishing
In 2020, we established the Global Publications Department (GPD) to relieve our schools of their burdens and still make sure they get great books. Led by Rick Kress, the GPD now streamlines the publication and distribution of indigenous biblical resources for all our schools around the world.
How Your Support Helped Change a Church
You may not know Eduardo, but supporters like you—who pray and give to our Berea Training Center in Spain—have been used by God to help revitalize Eduardo’s church. Were Berea Seminary not to exist today, Eduardo’s church might look very different.