Step by step, the word of God works in the hearts and minds of His people, transforming individuals, their marriages, families, church bodies, and even their home culture and nation. From the micro to the macro, God’s word revives and renews.
Strengthening the Body: Testimony of a Local Church
When a faithful pastor teaches a congregation to rightly divide, love, and apply the word of God, a church transforms. Like black-and-white film to technicolor, the beauty of Christ is seen most vividly by a church who has a deep understanding of the person and sacrifice of Jesus. This is the impact of training one man, supported through your joyful giving.
Transformed Hearts: Testimonies from Spain and the Middle East
As men are sanctified through studying the word and Christlike discipleship, their marriages and families will feel the effects. The life of this newly thriving family becomes a testimony of God’s goodness and power to all who observe it.
The Student’s First Step: Making Disciples and Friends in South Africa
Like a stone thrown in pond, the ripple effect of one person’s actions and influence will reverberate throughout time. Only the Lord, the Author of all events, can know its full impact and scope.
The Great Need of the Greatest Command
God used the training of one man to bring training and teaching to hundreds of believers where gospel ministry is scarce. This is the power of multiplication, and it is happening at each of our 19 Training Centers around the world.
A Season of Testimonies: An Update from the Middle East
As we watch what is unfolding in Israel and Gaza and we continue to pray for Christians suffering in the region, we are also mindful of the ways that God has sovereignly raised leaders in the Middle East for such a time as this.
Women’s Ministry in Spain
When equipped men are faithful to teach the truth of scripture, it transforms individuals, which in turn will begin to change and mature entire church bodies.
And the TMAI training centers’ commitment to the centrality of the local church means that this transformation is not limited to men who will one day pastor churches. It will affect pastors, counselors, college students, retirees, mothers, and whole families.
When a Missionary Finds a Mess: The Origin of Christ Seminary
Why does TMAI operate the way it does? Why is one of its ministry distinctives focused on equipping indigenous leadership? What has occurred in its history that has solidified these convictions? To answer these questions, one must go to back in time to the Bush of South Africa.
Fighting for Forgiveness: An Update from Ukraine
From the beginning, GBS knew that they needed to be prepared to serve in the aftermath. This meant developing and implementing ministries and counseling for those injured, abused, displaced, grieving, and fearful. The seminary distributed several hundred tons of humanitarian aid, food, clothing, and medicine to civilians and the military, but GBS knew a much greater need must also be met: the need for the truth and hope of the Gospel.
Keeping the Pattern: The Churchmen of TMAI
The students of TMAI training centers will one day lead their own churches, shepherding flocks God entrusts to them. Their proper training and discipleship are vital.
It is essential that these pastors are trained by men who understand and live out that responsibility. Men whose knowledge is not theoretical, men who are active in church leadership, and who understand the needs of their people. Men like Tan Molina.
Truth and Translation in Malawi
It’s difficult for one who has believed a misrepresentation of the Bible to be convinced to travel hours for training at the CAPA campus. Though the men were responsive to the truth, it is hard for them to see the need for true pastoral training.
Mountains of Ministry: The Journey of a Pastor in Guatemala
How much training is really necessary to shepherd a church? What does a man need to plant a church and preach the word? A man in Guatemala answers: more than he thought.
A Student Thanks You from South Africa
Meet Mazwi Mlambo, a pastor in Zimbabwe and student at Christ Seminary (CS) in South Africa. Like nearly all TMAI students, Mazwi’s training was made possible by our donors’ generous support. “The Lord has been gracious since day one,” Mazwi shared. “The challenges come and go, but all I can learn is His faithfulness that endures forever.”
Begin Again: Changed Lives in Colombia
When a trained man is shepherding his church—teaching them sound doctrine and living out this truth in his own life and ministry—it transforms communities. The truth of the gospel preached causes churches to mature, saints to be equipped, and sinners to be saved. This is the efficacy of the gospel message and a trained pastor with a shepherd’s heart.
The Bible and Missions: TMAI’s 2024 International Symposium
The truth of Scripture’s sufficiency is timeless and immutable, yet it is being set aside for what is more convenient for the sake of innovation. However, there will always be an inseparability between the Bible and missions. You cannot have God-honoring and truly effective missions work that isn’t directly derived from the Bible.
The Shaping of a Preacher, Part Three
When we look back on this past year, we rejoice in the ways God has used men trained at TMAI training centers to strengthen their local churches and transform communities. And as we look forward to 2024, we see the urgent need as more men are seeking this training for the sake of this purpose.
The Shaping of a Preacher, Part Two
In the words of the Christmas hymn, “a thrill of hope” is being proclaimed, and “a weary world rejoices.” Steadfast men, faithful to their churches, are enduring through bombings, invasions, and occupations, continuing to shepherd and preach to those who remain. And more men like them are being raised.
The Shaping of a Preacher, Part One
Around the world, souls are starting to hunger for the truth. The lies of the enemy have catapulted our world into a dark and disastrous agenda—all to lead us away from what is beautiful and true. This has been a reality since the Fall, yet in our modern day, we feel it even more keenly. Confusion is the weapon of choice. Many have fallen victim to these poisonous influences, and have become fatigued, weary, and deceived.